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The External Technique is the transformation of the process of analysis into the field of activity and behavior, as the actions of the individual in everyday reality. By the use of the Internal Technique, one may have changed ones ideas and created new perspectives and values, that one will assume to be true. The assumption of truth is termed Premise Suspension. In the real world one needs to make decisions based upon Operating Principles, as what the individual assumes to be true and thinks is best. Premise suspension is the acceptance of the validity of ideas which have been created abstractly, based on revisited memories of past events and logical analysis, but have not been tested and proven in reality, such as the conclusion that rich people are generous because they have a lot of money, may not borne out by the personal observation of real beggars and who gives them money.

Premises which are derived from the Internal method are produced abstractly. One may search the memory for verification from all the individual's past experience that can be remembered. Premises are supported by these remembrances, as the best one can do without first-hand experience. One can also obtain verification from other persons in the form of verbal communication, books and movies. However one cannot know to what extent others are prejudiced by their own conditioning and experiences. The best evidence is first-hand, wherein it is assumed that the individual can determine one's own objectivity. If it should prove in time that one has not been objective, the individual can best determine what went wrong, and the information of real experience can be used at a later time when one has achieved a greater degree of objectivity. The External Method is primarily a vehicle, as a number of techniques, for the obtainment of first-hand evidence and substantiation for premises derived from the Internal Technique, and to gain new information discovered in the real world. These premises are termed Transitive Concepts. They represent a context in which to observe reality, so that when situations and events occur that support or refute these concepts, the individual can recognize events and happenstance as relevant, that would otherwise have no significance as related and important.

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