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Transfered from Fort Knox Kentucky by noisy prop plane to Washington DC in November '64 thru December 1965, I was stationed at Fort Meyer, South Post which was between the National Cemetery and the Potomac River, and should not be confused with spit and shine North Post, which did and still does all the parading and the guarding of the unknown soldier tomb and the White House etc. I was at Headquarters Company Army and was the Morning Report Clerk, which was the basic personal archival record of every service member in my unit and attached, which were mostly all Pentagon personnel.

The Morning Report had to be in by 8 o’clock a.m and at latest nine, so I started at six and finished at two; and I was off and free to do what I pleased the rest of the day. I spent almost all my free-time off-post, across the river in DC proper. I spent most of this time walking around, sitting in the parks, going to museums, reading under trees. I spent a lot of time at the Reflecting Pool, and on Pennsylvania Avenue around the White House. I met a woman at the Reflecting Pool one time. We played house under the trees there. She was really bright. I didn't know what I had there. But I never did see her again.

I would walk over to the river, and the Pentagon was not that far to the north, and pick my along the Potomac River's edge say a mile to the Arlington Memorial Bridge where I would walk past the Lincoln Memorial and maybe along the edge of the reflecting pool to the Washington Monument or just head west to Pennsylvania Avenue and walk by the White House.

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