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Analogous of Capitalism is the Part which is called private purpose. The primary function of a Part is said to produce Products external to itself, as excess for traffic and trade external for profit. The Part may produce Products in the interest of the Whole called All, or it may produce Products in the interest of the self called One. Capitalism by definition produces Products external to itself for self interest as One.

Government by its nature of the Whole is to represent the All of its citizens, and which should be equitable or first come first serve. There is nothing equitable about Capitalism. Capitalists will charge whatever the market will bear even if a critical necessity. Capitalists will not create an equitable wage base for all workers. Capitalists prefer inequality since they can charge higher and higher prices for scale up class distinction. Without government parks there would be no public spaces. Without government - all highways and roads would be toll. Police and fire would be toll and inaccessible for those who couldn't afford it. When the Part gets too big it wants to assume the roll of Government, so as the All should support the One as opposed to the One supporting the All.

The psychological aspects of Capitalism and the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative can be for those on the lower rungs of the class hierarchy catastrophic, while for those of the middle and up quite the opposite as satisfactory to supremic. Class is endemic to the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative and Capitalism.

The psychology of the human memory/mind is said here to be based on the selectors of Association, as Interpretive Context, or the reason and purposes one chooses specific Association as opposed to the myriad of Association one could choose like vanilla over all other flavors.

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