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The evaluative system of the Conservative Paradigm, Pre-existent States, Socialism, the Whole and All, is Optimum Correspondence, meaning evaluation is of any given current qualities and conditions of any given entity, as corresponds and compares to fixed pre-existent state's optimum state or functionality. The assessment is optimum or something more or less, almost always less, since the nature of the material world is individual depletion, as the old lion is less than it was. Too much snow is more than ideal. When all the Parts of the Whole are functioning at optimum, the Whole is healthy and the same for all the parts of a Part and Government as well. Roads get run down and go to pot-hole, assessed less than optimum, but the highway department has not the money to fix them. The primary function of any given Pre-existent State is to preserve itself in a same or near-like form and condition, and thus the primary function is maintenance. The bridge was always kept painted to prevent rust and ruin. Thus Socialism tends to preserve what is, while the Capitalists if there is profit to be made, will tend to transform of destroy what is.

Socialists would reason by what is called Foundation Reasoning, and the Capitalists by a tendency to Authority Reasoning. Naturally by the concept of Optimum Correspondence, there is an assumed integrity of Pre-existent States, which rather than transformed or destroyed should be preserved. The Pre-existent State is well known as an already existing environment, and thus a foundation for reasoning is self-evident by experience as evidence and demonstration of facts. Foundation Reasoning arguments would based on Pre-existent States.

Authority Reasoning means to reason from authority such as God, Gold and Guns, a head of state, the professor, news corporations, no facts, evidence or foundation necessary.

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