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Authority Reasoning tends to precede from projected Post-changed States, wherein the reasoning will correspond to the ends desired and wherein the ends are the authority. For Capitalists - profit is the premier authority, as is God for Monotheists. How much money can we make if we can sell x amount of opoids? People need pain relief and thus we would be doing a service to humanity. With proper warnings people will not become addicted, and if they do it will be their own fault for failing heed warnings. If the customer mis-uses the product it is not our responsibility. Take the money out of the proposition and leave only service to humanity, and then see how interested these people are still. Which then is the authority, money or altruism, Capitalism or Socialism ?

Ninety percent of all media in the US is owned by five corporations of Capitalist media. Five corporations control the information a democracy must have to-be not a fascist state, and are the authority for all idiot information called propaganda, which is declaration by and of authority without evidence, corroboration, demonstration or substantiation. Capitalism concentrates and the concentrees being concentrated understand their own finite Oneness very well, but understand little of the greater All and don't care too. After-all they are the concentrated superior know-alling elite. This incestuous single mindedness produces informational idiot morons, who believe they are bathed in genius. And of course they would because as Authoritative Reasoning, there need-not be any evidence, corroboration, demonstration or substantiation, and thus their mental meanderings are completely devoid of reality, which work perfectly in unreality realms of mind alone.

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