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Identities as objective-oriented are therefore disposed to Post-changed States, and thus are more affinitive to Capitalism, which is defined as the production of objectives for profit. While the individual has but one body-Whole, and one Ego as one Interpretive Context, the individual can have any number of Identities as Parts, each to produce varying objectives and varying Interpretive Contexts. Identities are not necessary as replacements of the Ego, but can be beneficial as outside and other perspective. The Identities can be self-serving as is the want of the the One, and can be completely adverse to the body and Ego, as self-destructive such as the Identities of the drug addict or alcoholic. The Identities can do quite well for the body as health workers or safety specialists if the Identities are chosen properly and are fortunate .

Identities are personifications of objectives created by the mind, and all the many objectives created by Excess & Profit, Progressive Materialism and Capitalism are innumerable. There are honest Identities and dishonest, and there are honorable and war criminal Identities. As equitable Parts where people have greater degrees of equality, Identities can usually be equated with good and gratifying. When Identities are based in superiority, the superior race, they are more often than associated with fascism, chaos, murder and mayhem.

Public and private each has its place with Capitalism as Parts of the Whole. Government is necessary in a world, if not to be run by private capitalist war-lords. When there is no police force, the merchants are forced to hire the mafia for protection for those who can afford it. Small Capitalist companies owned by single persons and families, as opposed to corporations, are most often well-meaning, honest, upright with integrity, and more often than not possess a respect for the integrity of Pre-existent States such as Main-street for instance.

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