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The individual adds from the bottom and subtracts from the top, where the bottom represents nature, undeveloped, Indigenous, uneducated, primitive, low class or even evil, and the top represents perfection, development, aristocratic and sophisticated, upper class or God. What is of the lower and bottom may be transformed, destroyed and exploited as resource for what is the top. This is an unconscious mechanism applied to every aspect of evaluation. A mountain may be leveled for coal mining except for where the church is edificed.

Whereas Ethics is the behavioral propensity of simple Necessity and modest lifestyle, Progressive Materialism in a materialistic world devoid of all Consequence, needs a behavioral mechanism to avoid complete anarchy. Morality, which is based on the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, is the determining mechanism for how any given entity may be regarded. With Morality there are no absolute prohibitions and near anything is allowed relative to circumstances and the degree of Consequence, as assessed via the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative. Murder is allowed with the right conditions like self-defence and theft is justified from Indigenous and those undeserving of whatever is wanted. Steal their whatever and when they fight back call them terrorists. Thus Morality is the evaluative system of Capitalism, and wherein the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative establishes the price of everything. The greater amount of a product in number the cheaper, and the more rare the more expensive. Common is cheap and noble is expensive.

Analogous of Socialism is the Whole, which is called Government that acts as a unifying authority for all the diverse individuals and interests in the society, and to serve the community and larger society in common as the whole equitably. The primary function of a Whole is said to produce Products as infrastructure and services internal to itself.

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