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From a single source scenario, Metempiric Power used either as blessing, such as the religious benediction or the curse of black magicians, is an intrusion and interference into the life of the recipient, in the event that it should change the course of the individual's fate unsolicited. Thus from this perspective, both a blessing and a curse can be viewed as seemingly positive and negative aspects of the same thing. A blessing can be negative as for instance a gift of fame for one who can't handle it, or a curse can positive, as when the loss of fame opens up more private and satisfactory relationships. For this reason the practitioner of Metempiric Power does not use either positive or negative impact unsolicited except in cases where it may be called for. If an individual such as the sales person, con-artist, missionary, trickster, liar, cheater, thief or perpetrator of violence seeks to affect another in a material way unsoliticed, either in a purported positive or negative manner, such that one who is stronger is seeking to prey on someone assumed to be weaker, a non-material use of power may be indicated and deserved. This may be considered as simple justice. The individual using Metempiric Power for this or other purposes may never see the results of the retaliation, or if power is strong may see them at a later time. In cases where perpetrators are unknown it may be left to the source to identify and act. And of course in all cases it is the acting source that determines the type and degree of the affect.

For those that ascribe to the single source scenario, although it may be that the source carries out the actual affect, it is the individual that initiates it, and thus the responsibility ultimately resides with the initiator. The single source sorcerer must take responsibility for everything good or bad that is not human inspired. The sorcerer and nature are one. However this individual will not take responsibility for the action and conduct of humankind since the the source as nature is not responsible for that. Since most religions engage in blessing and benediction, and also prayer that often calls for justice from a non-physical source outside themselves, they are engaging in the use of Metempiric Power, the same as the sorcerer. However they will never admit this. They take credit for everything that comes about that is considered good and none of the credit for what comes about that is considered bad. Good things and seemingly naturally caused bad things happen in nature such as earthquakes, floods and fires.

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