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Consequence means the making of decisions that involve real consequences for the self and others. If the individual believes that they can affect conditions and events in the world, there is presented an entirely new and expansive consciousness. How the individual uses such power would depend upon one's perspective of what should be done if anything. If the individual is for instance a socialist, they may wish to affect change such that it promotes that agenda. If the individual is to use such power wisely, It then becomes incumbent upon the person to acquire and understanding and knowledge of every aspect of the human condition. How and what this power is used for are decisions that determine the character of the individual and wherein the individual becomes aware of this character.

It may be that 'many are called but few are chosen' to the calling of the use of Metempiric Power. The discovery of such a facility may be of such shock to the system that the individual may become paralyzed, unstable, paranoid, delusional or ego maniacal. For such reasons it is better if the person has had some training in things like critical analysis, the ability to think logically, has some grounding in history and literature, and experience in the ways of the world. It is evident that the use of such power cannot be left to just anyone, or those that would misuse it. For this reason there may be a vetting process by which most of those called are weeded out. The results of this vetting are determined by the decisions that the individual makes. Along this course which can last as many years as a life time, the individual may continually elevate the consciousness and awareness. As much as anything the facility of Metempiric Power may be a means to greater consciousness and spiritual growth. The individuals own knowledge of the reality and validity of the use of Metempiric Power may never be of a certainty. If this is the case, the purpose may be that certain knowledge of such power and the responsibilities thereof may be unacceptably difficult to deal with as defined by the term of the Uncertainty Principle.

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