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Objectives are specific ends and while the objectives of the Conservative evaluative system of Optimum Correspondence is to maintain optimum states, the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative is by nature Progressive, since the ideal is progressive accumulation, as usually ever more material property in which which the Identities are created for the purpose of obtainment.

The accordant social structures of the Progressive Paradigm are Progression, Monotheism, Patriarchy, Capitalism and Fascism.

Evaluative Simultaneity:

Optimum Correspondence and the Dyadic Authoritative are both used for Evaluation constantly, depending on the situation and circumstance, and are often utilized simultaneously. One may evaluate one's environment, as temperature and perhaps humidity while at the same time evaluating the numerical value of someone's clothes. The Conservative Paradigm, in which the Ego is the primary interpreter of the body, would rely primarily on Optimum Correspondence as the means for Evaluation. The Progressive Paradigm, in which Identities created by the mind are the primary means of Interpretation, is purported to rely primarily on the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative.

Evaluative Belief:

Since both the systems of Optimum Correspondence and the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative operate simultaneously, the two work both in agreement and disagreement with each other. The Ego as the interpreter of the body, must be a believer for its protection and survival. The Ego must believe in the possibilities of negative misfortune. The Identities as personifications created for the achievement of objectives, can be comprised of various degrees of belief. The job of fumigator was dangerous but he did not believe he would be negatively affected since it paid well.

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