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If one finds oneself in untenable situations, such that change is needed like to quit a job, leave a town, or go abroad, but feels one is trapped by the necessity to support material commodities, this trapped state of mind can be oppressive. One may wish to accumulate or maintain material surplus, but even the choice as opposed to the assumed necessity, can be the absence of a continuous mental grousing, since one has made one's own bed. A free mind is the absence of inconsequentials cluttering up one's consciousness, like the difference between a carpenter who must constantly be figuring with measurements, as compared to a janitor, where all is automatic and one is free to think whatever one wants whenever.

In another vein of External Analysis, one may discover things in the processes of the study of oneself, that one does not want to admit even to the self. These sorts of things are suppressed memories, thoughts and feelings such as homo sexual or transgender tendencies, selfishness, fear and cowardliness, or things one has done in the past that are not very exemplary. Suppressed memories are like dead weights on the mind that restrict free being. They are shadows that unconsciously produce negative thinking and feelings that affect the general temperament. They are like the activity of worrying, as a preoccupation of thought and feeling, that are a check on the direct thinking of the mind, of feeling great all the time. It is to one's advantage to grab a hold of this kind of submerged negativity and drag it out of the lake and say this is me. This may be very difficult to do. However one will get used to the admission over time and the admission revealed can now be examined and dealt with. But still, until one freely admits it to others, one cannot get completely free of it. One has to be careful of, avoid and tip toe around it, while in conversation and interaction with others. In these modern times, it is common for people to use psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, confession and encounter group programs as a means of dealing with suppressions.

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