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One might use intuition or some combination of all. Intuition is a facility that seemingly is able to foresee the future such that decisions based on intuition prove to be correct. It seems to involve no consciously logical processes. The intuitive product is likely to just pop into one's mind. And it seems to work best when the mind leaves space for it show up, like a blank space on a computer screen.

Objectives tend to interfere with the proper working of intuition. An objective tends to mandate that there is a logical order of achievement. To get to the store one must first cross the street. The mind is conditioned to utilize this form of logical function for all tasks except those that are unconscious, from turning on the television to crossing the country. The logical processes of achieving objectives are automatic and have a history of success at accomplishing things. Thus to accomplish by inaction, as to let things happen of their own accord, may be very difficult since the mind's logic wants to continuously promote the job. All processes such as intuition, that one is unused to, are difficult and take practice. Practice is usually best on small and unimportant things.

Since it is conditioning that tends to control the individual in continuous patterns of behavior, and since much of conditioning is one's cultural environment, as local and national culture, a means of identifying this conditioning is to change the cultural geography. Completely foreign people do things in completely distinct ways. The individual may find that people in a strange culture think, talk, act and do things differently. They may find that they have a completely different view of life and its philosophy. By comparison, the individual can contrast the self with these differing perspectives and behavior, and in this way determine what and how one has been conditioned, as distinct from those in differing cultures. This process involves spending some time, as perhaps at least a year. It also involves an immersion into the culture and a suspension of one's own activities, and normal behavior, as carried with one from home, such that they allow time for observation, reflection, communication, experiential interaction and the pure experience of ambiance.

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