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The dimensions are represented as indicative of three time zones, or the Positive Dimension as the present, the Negative as the past and the Metaphysical Dimension as the future. The Positive Dimension is represented as the present-time independent of mind and memory and thus without awareness of past or future. The Negative Dimension as mind and memory is attributed to the past, since almost all mental activity proceeds from memory including future projection. The Metaphysical Dimension in terms of human concern, primarily relates to the future's forthcoming, as both the immediate material and next life future, as what might happen and wherein other-dimensional forces might influence eventuality.

Concerning the Positive Dimension, a form of memory would be the constancy of physics and biology. Thus any tree in present-time is fairly identical to trees over million year time spans and thus is a form of memory. The sun the same as it has always been is a form of memory. Memory in the Positive Dimension is everything that duplicates itself in and exact or near-like form. And of course visual/audio is a form of memory or any automatic mechanics. The biological body remembers itself duplicating each of the cells every seven years give or take depending on the organism.

But actual imagery remembrance of the past is the province of the Negative Dimension and biological brainery. Without a functioning brain there is no known memory, necessary for all intelligent choosing from Association, as the selection of specific and particular memory snippets relative to specific comparative purpose.

And of the Metaphysical Dimension, of course the brain dies with the death of the body. What then of memory ? assuming an after-life. Non-physical embodiment must possess, awareness or what is there ?

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