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The interpretation of circumstance and situation as in some way influenced by the intercession of other-dimensional entities, so as to act as communication in the form of symbolic metaphor. Thus Metaphoria would be open-to and inclusive-of any form of spirituality in which other-dimensional intercession is considered a valid criterion.

If All is the MetaProperty of the Conservative and One the Progressive, Null is a MetaProperty of the Metaphysical Paradigm. One, All or Null as none, zero, nada, the sum of none. Null means here a vacancy for other-dimensional agency to exhibit itself. This vacancy could be called Olamic Value meaning, any given entity can assume any definition, value and Consequence the individual cares to give it, the purpose of which assumes the entity may be a vehicle for spiritual communication as Semiotic Language.

In reality in terms of the universe, no-one really knows what anything is. So artificial connotations are constructed called Finite Determination and Definitive Value. Finite Determination explains the intellectually intentional activity and behavior of change, as the creation of results and products as altered states, which increases value and Consequence. Work makes money which buys more than what one had before, as increased value. Change that does not increase value like pounding sand is considered loony bin. Increased value makes sense. The same or decrease does not.

Definitive Value means a specific and singular identity defined as relates to Finite Determination, or as relationships to results & products as contributive resource, or wherein the consequence and value of a state or entity is ascertained by the qualities & conditions it produces. Shovel is for digging. Clothes are for wearing. Dishes are for eating. Gold is for mining. These are specific values and they-are these singular things and nothing else.

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