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The body is pain the enforcer. The body is also everything that religious ideals abhor. Thus perhaps what replaces the Ego is God. But this God personification would take the form of an Ipseity, objectives as other-dimensional edicts of God, as described in the holy books summarized as unearthly perfection. Identities are often ungrounded, absolute evil, mayhem where-ever they are found, for instance in capital USA. Put these people's Egos on the front lines of the wars they are so found-of, and guaranteed suddenly we would have peaceniks. But Identities called arm-chair warriors and chicken-hawks don't have to go to war. They only have to call-for and promote war thru politics - blah, blah, blah and no blam, blam, blam ! the difference between the Identities and the Ego. The Identities are the torturers and the Egos are the tortureees, psychology and body, Identities and Ego. Or Ipseities would do it for religious reasons. Evil is so stupid it believe it is God's gift to goodness.

Monotheism is always bifurcated into two major divides. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. Eastern Orthodox is an offshoot of Catholicism and Protestantism is an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church and the schism of Sunni and Shia Islam.

Perhaps what would explain this dichotomy is the MetaProperties All and One. The original church would be characterized by the All and the off-shoots by the One. In the first case the individual must go thru the original Church for salvation, and only specific church officials have a direct connect to God and thus this church is hierarchal, a Progressive trait. When the Part breaks from the Whole, it is because the individual is said to be capable of finding salvation independent of the Church by merit, and thus the Part becomes un-needing of the Whole and the One is born.

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