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Because the number of Identities is limited absent the introduction of Excess & Profit, pre-technology Ipseities, act as and serve the purposes of mundane Identities, as expansive escape from the single body and Ego and perhaps transcendence. It could be said that of Polytheism, the Product produced is internal to the Whole as the natural world, and thus Polytheism is Conservative, akin to the All, Socialism and Democracy. Nature is Socialist because it is a Whole inclusive of All, and of which all the Parts serve to produce and sustain the Whole. The Product internal means a relationship with spiritual entities that are other-dimensional indigenous in the natural world and therefore internal to the planetary plane.

Religion is defined as monotheistic, as a single all-superior God, and thus Ipseities as anything but the likeness of God are of lesser Consequence, and thus Religion is always hierarchal as well as fascist. Religion is Progressive meaning, the soiled soul is thru purification by the aid of the church, a step by step progress toward the unreachable perfection of God. Religious Ipseities are generally characterizations in the likeness of God or his relatives, or highly advanced historical church figures. It could be said that the Product produced thru Religion is external to the Whole as the natural world. This means the Product to be produced is Heaven external the natural Whole, and the perfection of Heaven is an other dimensional transcendence external to the planetary plane.

Religion is Progressive and therefore its expression, must be of the Identities as independent of the body constructed by mind. Religion destroys the Ego and what is there to replace it ?

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