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For instance a wheel is an essential part of a car, wherein its Product is for the purpose of what is external to itself, as say the transportation of people which is the Product.

A Whole is defined as producing Products internal to itself such as the planet Earth or possibly galaxies called a Choate Whole, which produce no known Products external to themselves, except possibly Products transposed into the Metaphysical realm. However every Part is a Whole in itself, as the Products it produces internally to sustain itself. Every body or city could be considered a Whole. Taken together both internal and external Products comprise a Unified Function, as the Part supports the Whole, like the motor supports the car, and the Whole supports the Part as the car gives the motor a reason to exist.

If the Whole is Socialism as the altruism of the All, and the Part is Capitalism as the self-centered superiority of the One, the Product is recognized as derived from both, wherein the Product is purpose and not simply means to other ends, as the Product was of of no-account and merely a means to money like junk toys.

Aggregate :

Cognizance would be said to be inclusive of three types of Comprehension and Determination called the MetaProperties of All representing Condition, One representing Context, and Null representing Cognizance.


The All is Associated with the Positive Dimension, Condition, Conservative, the Whole, Ego, Polytheism, Matriarchy, Socialism and Democracy. All means altruism, the All before the one, the group before the individual, the Whole before the Part. The All would demand many Gods, Goddesses and Spirits. The All would be of the empathy and compassion of Matriarchy; the one for all and all for one of Socialism, and the equality of Democracy.

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