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The One is Associated with the Negative Dimension, Context, Progressive, the Part, the Identities, Monotheism, Patriarchy, Capitalism and Fascism. One means 'Me Myself and My, as a psychological consideration of putting oneself ahead of everyone else. One is representative of self - interested, centered, involved, important and concerned selfdom'.

The One would demand transformation and destruction for profit. Psychologically and politically the Part would consider itself greater than the Whole. One-God Monotheism is the dualistic perfection of the singular Part and the imperfection of the Whole. Capitalism is the means to facilitate the concentration of wealth and the superiority of fascist perfection.


The Null is associated with the Metaphysical Dimension, Cognizance, the Exoteric, the Product, Ipseities, Metaphoria, Equiarchy, Amalgamism and Convention.

The Null is of likeness to the question, as without an answer is a void, which begs to be filled as answered. Null is decision absent pre-known-outcome that would prohibit the decision, as is the Imperative Determinant, or certainty of foreseen comparative states in future, which dictates activity & behavior in the present, such that one's freedom is impinged or non-existent. Null is what makes for free-will. The Null would represent the Metaphysical as unknown.

The Null would be associated with a third non-materiality outside of Spirituality and Religion called Metaphoria, which is the interpretation of given situation, circumstances or events, as influenced or induced by Metaphysical sources, as other-dimensional comment on thought, word or deed as metaphor.

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