2nd Opinion

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The car was four years old but in perfect shape, not a ten but not a one, two or three junker either, say about a seven. The beauty pageant contestants were of all tens, but she was not a ten nor not a witch as zero either, but something in the middle a mildly attractive five, called Numerical Evaluation. Of course different people have different concepts and criterion for the pole ends called the Inner Hierarchy, wherein the bottom for some rich may be a five, not knowing much about the working classes, who may imagine a middle class six as top, the actual upper classes invisible to them.

Association from the memory as images, impressions, words or memories is attached to every present external or internal moment as identification, classification, implication and Context. She saw a face she thought she recognized, and scanned thru her memory but could not find a match. The choice of particular Association as opposed to random reflex is called Interpretation. Seeing a ghost one can select Associations of friendly, Caspar, and good boo boo, or evil demon dementia depending on the interpretation. The conjecture proposed here is that the Associational Context Complex, as the library of Associations the individuals relies on for Interpretation, is either Conservative or Progressive, meaning in this instance based in the past or the future.

It could be said that everything in nature proceeds from the past, as all reproduction derives from past programming as the tree is genetically programmed to produce seeds which are already genetically programmed to sprout in proper conditions, as or past programming.

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