2nd Opinion

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Old town may be the preservation of that oldest part of town, requiring maintenance of what was created and built in the past, and thus an Associational Context Complex based on past culture and tradition would apply, as an antique store owner might have.

All of nature economically exists by Necessity & Subsistence, with humans as the only exceptions, all of which proceeds from the past as where the food is remembered to be, and wherein the future is not planned-for, with exceptions like squirrels storing nuts for winter. The past is how it was is how it will or should be. Indigenous with little or no technology to store food such as frigidaires and freezers, would live as the animals do, pretty much day by day, thus the future and its projections and expectations would not control the present. The past already existent and future non-existent in the present.

What is called the Progressive Paradigm as Monoculture is said to be based on the authority of the future. For instance the fundamental postulates of Monotheism is objectives and projections of future states as heaven, eternal life, angelic choir service and such. The authority for the present is the future. The dedicated Monotheist's life is lived in present based on projections of future gain, and thus the the expectations of future control the present.

For the secularists same, as the present lived for the future, although not as extreme. As much as for the present secularists work for the future, to own a house some day, retire, pay insurance against negative future circumstance. What will happen in future if this or that is not done today ? To have more tomorrow than one has today is the materialist mantra.

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