2nd Opinion

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Excess & Profit, as the introduction of Materialism deems that change that merely duplicates itself, as all of existent nature in an As-Is state and condition, is meaningless and inconsequential possessed of no inherent Consequence, because it does not make a profit as Progressive More. Is-As More or Less. States and entities are only given Consequence when they act as agents for the accomplishment of more or for-less as well. Of what use stone, wood, water, earth and air unless as utilitarian functions of fence, fire, water wheel, garden or breathing. For less as the destruction of evil, which is said to be those or that which does not conform to the Extra Mundane Authorities and MetaPhysical Ideals. As of this minute Monotheists and Mono Culturalists are murdering more for less of their enemies, for a supposed improved world. Either way change produces meaning by either increase or decrease and thus only change is of any Consequence.

It could be said then that Is-As is the origin of consequential opposites, as the objectives of Is-As More or Less, which becomes antithetical to each other or Antithetical Opposites. What underlies MonoCulture is the subconscious evaluative system known as the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, which is a numerical scale of evaluation of zero or one to ten, based on Antithetical Opposites especially as More or Less.

Less is called the Antithetical Matrix and More the Extra Mundane Authorities and Metaphysical Ideals, as bottom and top or low and high, bad and good, poor and rich, ugliness and beauty, primitive and progressed, ignorant and educated, All and One, natural-nature and architecture or earth and heaven or devil and God. Evaluation is by adding from the bottom as some degree more and subtracting from the top as some degree less.

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