2nd Opinion

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And the democracy of the spirituality of many Gods, Goddesses and Eidolons are demonized and replaced by fascist Monotheism, or One and only one God allowed, by penalty of hell and or death plus forfeiture of all property including whole continents, as raw resource for Excess & Profit.

MonoCulture is the ideal One as the highest degrees of progression and perfection as God, Gold and Guns produced by Monotheism and Capitalism. The One as me, myself and I is antithetical to the All and everyone. The supreme being is antithetical to the everyday everybody, and the One superior to All is endemic in the subconscious of the Progressive Paradigm, otherwise today known as the West, consisted-in cultures holding colonies and enslaving half the world's population in the various stages colonel Europe and America's history ongoing as ever.

Where All is the Whole and One is the Part, wherein by it's dynamic the Part is an aspect of the Whole, and wherein the Part would serve the Whole, of MonoCulture, the Part is superior to the Whole and the Whole is to serve the Part, as a jet plane fly-over at a football game. Whose the boss ? Government by its dynamic is to represent the All, serving the function of the regulation of the Parts to serve the Whole. However when the One as the Monotheists, Monarchists, Capitalists or Oligarchicals assume control of the Government for the few, the Whole is to serve the Part, and the All to serve the One, or the many to serve the few known commonly as Fascism.

With the introduction of Excess & Profit, the As-Is or the natural world and any give pre-existent state as we find it, becomes replaced with Is-As or Is meaning As more or less.

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