

The Part

The Part as Matter, is described as circumscribed domain, composed of numerically limited multiplicity of elements or components, which comprise a unified function in conjunction with each other, the same as a Whole. Whereas the Whole would be said to produce Products internal to itself, the Part would be said to produce Products external to itself, as befits its function within the greater Whole. A heart is a Whole in itself, but produces circulatory oxygen alimentation for the greater Whole of the body. Each Part produces a Product external to itself, which contributes to the unified function of the Whole, of which the Parts are contained.


The Product is said to be produced internal to a Whole and external to a Part, and as other-dimensionality such as Spirituality, Religion and Metatheism, or as other-dimensional ascension, for instance to heaven. Products produced internal to a Whole are that produced by Parts, as that which contributes to the continuation, maintenance and preservation of the structure, composition and dynamic within the Whole itself, such as the working organs of a living organism.

Products are the results and outcomes of the activity and behavior of Parts, either as produced internal to the Whole or as external to the Parts themselves. Results and Products are qualities and conditions produced from the activity and behavior of change, either as natural, or human created. A Choate Whole is said to be a Delineated Entity having Unified Function internal to itself, but not assuming the double function of the Part, as it produces no discernible purposeful products external to itself, other than its own existence. The earth producing no discernible products external to itself would be defined as a Whole called Choate. Products produced external if any, would need-be other-dimensional. However, the earth as a Part of the solar system and greater universe, as well as all the planets, with the only Products produced externally as either light or reflected light and gravitational pull. But according to theories of astrology, it is gravitational positional pulls, which determines human character, thus planets as Parts would produce Products external to themselves.


The Whole is Conservative, the Part is Progressive and the Product is Exoteric, meaning Change induced by other-dimensionality. Conservative means change that reproduces itself in exact or near like form. Change that leaves states conducive to the preservation of the same states, as forest fires leaves conditions conducive to new forests, is called Conservative. Nature is Conservative, which means that all natural change either duplicates or promotes the duplication of the qualities and conditions pre-existent the change. The economic law of nature is defined by the concept of Necessity and Subsistence. All the Parts support the internality of the Whole of the planet as nature. Government is Conservative in that it primarily maintains itself as-is through maintenance of its services.


Progressive means the introduction of Excess and Profit, which requires the natural world as raw resource, and thus the introduction of Progressive Materialism, which necessarily requires the Consequential Negation of all things material. Progressive means that progressed states are created to replace inferior ones. Inferior states are generally considered to be anything primitive and undeveloped or less advanced. Thus, the forest can be destroyed to create farms. If this forest will never return, because of desertification, it is considered not to matter. The benefits of the present farms, outweigh any long term considerations. If a nuclear accident were to contaminate a very large area such as in the case of Chernobyl, causing untold and unknown damage to the environment, this apparently does not matter, since they continue to create and use ever more nuclear materials. Progress is Change, which is defined as producing superior states or conditions, to that which are replaced by transformation or destruction, and not necessarily but usually, without regard to the Consequence of Being of Pre-existent States.

The term Progressive as defined here, means to create a bipolar dichotomy of Antithetical Opposites, as inferior/superior, which is the fundamental rational for the transformation and destruction of what may be considered necessary for the progressive advancement of civilization. Those who control the Government are evil, but sincerely and honestly believe, that the other guys are evil, and they the good guys are saving the world from evil, defined as believing themselves to be God's gift to goodness.


The Exoteric Paradigm means Meta or Metaphysics as beyond Matter and Mind, or otherwise called other-dimensional transcendence. Change if induced by other-dimensionality, and if one was assured of such an existence, would induce another level of consciousness, as other-dimensional being. Conservative change preserves the original state. Progressive change replaces the original state with the so called new and improved. Metaphysical change would promote change possessed of other-dimensional considerations, called intercession. One would assume, that the Exoteric, would emanate from a larger overall perspective, and perhaps visa vi an already pre-known future.


There are three of what are called MetaProperties, as the All, One and Null. The All is a MetaProperty which is representative of the Whole. The One is representative of the Part, and Null of the Product.


The All means everything, inclusive of a type. All means the many as opposed to one and few. All is associated with what is common to all, and with commonalities as community, public and social union, Unified Function, Government which is Socialism, and is representative of altruism, community and cultural elevation for the all and everyone. The All, would represent every element and Part of any given entity, as all the Parts of a computer or of a biological body. The All, would be representative of each and all the elements of whatever considered a Whole, such as a farm, a city, a government or a planet or solar system.

In human social terms, All is associated with unifying commonalities as community, public and social union, government as Socialism, and what is common to All, following from the Unified Function of each of the Parts, which share commonalities, as the preservation and continuance of the whole. All is representative of altruism, as the concern for the well-being of the Whole, dependent upon the proper environment and functioning of the Parts.

The All implies an equivalence of value and Consequence, wherein each of the Parts contributes some function and product, no matter how trivial it may seem, and All are necessary to the Whole, as some particular jurisdiction, wherein activity and behavior of the Parts, serves the interests of all members of a unified common collective All, called Accordant Authority. The All is representative of PolyCulture, Matriarchy, Polytheism, Socialism and Democracy.


The One is a MetaProperty that is representative of the Part. One is exclusive of everything or All of a type. One is characteristic of the Metaphysical Ideal as the acquisition of Volitional Abilities, that can be God, Gold, Guns and Government, or such as fame, fortune, power, property, talent, superhero or eternal life. This gives reason, meaning and purpose to the activity and behavior of living. The One is representative of self and self-centered, as singular, individual, autocratic, self-interested, self-serving and All for One and the superiority of Progressive Materialism. The One represents the elite, ruling classes and oligarchy and the Part superior to the Whole, which serves the Part.

The natural Part is Conservative. Only a Product of the Negative Dimension as mind, can a Part dissociate from the Whole called Transpartation. This means Products as human created are produced for the benefit of the individual one, self or few, as opposed to the Whole. Transpartational Parts are called Progressive. The human anomalous Part is called Progressive. Progression is introduced with Excess and Profit. Progress is change, which is defined as producing a superior state or condition to that which was replaced, by transformation or destruction. Excess and Profit explains activity and behavior, as energy and effort that produces in excess of what was before. Because the planetary Whole does not make a Profit, it is considered by Progressives, as of little or no Consequence. The Consequence of Being of the natural world must be of little or no Consequence, so that it can be exploited to create material progress of Progressive Materialism. Nature is of no value except as material to create human progress, and as aesthetics. The Part is representative of MonoCulture, Monotheism, Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Fascism.


The Null is affiliated with the Product. Null would mean Products outside and external to the Whole, as culture unacceptable to the individual or groups. Null means other-dimensional and thus represents Polytheism, Religion and Metaphysics or anything occult. Null means void, unfilled, uninhabited, unoccupied, vacant, empty or undefined, of which anything can and may come to occupy the space or vacuum.

The Null represents the question, as without an answer is a void, which begs to be filled as answered. Null is the opposite of the Imperative Determinant, as certainty of foreseen Comparative States in future, which dictates activity & behavior in the present, such that one's freedom is impinged or non-existent. Null is what makes for free-will. Null is decision, absent pre-known-outcome, that would prohibit the decision. Null is a MetaProperty of the Metaphysical Dimension. Descending from the Product, the Null is associated with Metatheism, Equiarchy, Amalgamism and Convention.


Interpretation is the selection of specific memories called Association, from the multitudinous store of impressions and images in the memory, which are affiliated, attached, related or associated to specific sensory registration or thinking in the immediate present. Associations give recognition, identification, context and implication to present-time sensory registration. From the post card of the Eiffel Tower, one associated or brought to mind memories and images of Paris. Association from which Interpretation proceeds is called Interpretive Context, as the Associative Landscape of the individual, from which reality or thinking is interpreted, as things must be recognized and defined by the context of what the individual has had experience and knows, which is stored in the memory as Association. Hearing of a Tornado in the mid-Atlantic as the context, one associated from past experience, childhood memories of just such a storm.

Associational Selectors

There are said to be three primary contexts of interpretation, or three types of Associational Selectors, as the Ego, the Identities and the Ipseities. Interpretation would proceed through the Associational Selector called the Ego, defined as a selector of Association, specifically as that Association which pertains to and affects the body - both internal and external. The weather might be interpreted as relating to what the body should wear clothing wise, or how it might affect one's sinus condition. A second interpretive context would proceed through the facilities of the Identities, which are Interpretive Personifications, the primary purpose of which is to accomplish objectives, such as a baker, a four seasons fashion designer, a computer technician or pool cleaner.

Interpretation would proceed through the facilities of the Ipseities, which again are Identity personifications, to produce objectives, but however wherein the objectives are alternatives to cultural mores or are other-dimensional and non-material, as Spiritual, Religious and Metaphysical, as rainmaker, minister, priest or metaphysician. Each individual possesses one Ego selector, and any number of Identities, the average of a half dozen, as well as perhaps one or more Ipseities as other-dimensional personas, as acting in the likeness of Christ.


The Ego is defined as one and only one Context selector of Association, specifically as that which pertains to and affects the individual's one body - both internal and external. The Ego is the first personality as interpretation of reality, as what relates to, effects, and is applicable to the body, such as rain, clothes, food, sleep, exercise, and all of which the Ego interprets as personal effect on one's body. The context of interpretation is the body.

Everyone is said to experience reality in a fairly similar manner, where the perception is similar and alike. Everyone perceives feelings such as the heat of the sun, the sound of thunder, or the sight of clouds in a fairly similar way. However, Interpretation may result from a myriad of different contexts, depending on the Associations attached by the individual, relative to varied personal experience, as the interpretation of snow would be different for arctic and desert dwellers. One person freaks when a bee comes around, and another is not bothered at all. Same sensory experience of bee, but the associative reaction is different. Thus, while the sensory experience is the same or similar, there are a myriad of wide ranging interpretations. Women's interpretation through the context of the body will be a bit different than men's. The primary attributes of the Ego are Conservative, the Whole, the All, Polytheism, Socialism, Matriarchy and Democracy, which comprises Polyculture.


Identities are Interpretive Personifications created for the purpose of accomplishing objectives. Every profession can be an Identity to accomplish goals, such as baker, soldier or candlestick maker.

The context of interpretation is the mind. Identities as personifications of objectives like mechanic, merchant marine, hairdresser or nurse are created by the mentality, and thus any number can be created, and any of which can be imaginary. He imagined himself a ladies man, although he had no girlfriends. While the Ego is Conservative and Identities can be as well, in Monotheistic and Moneytheistic materialist cultures, Identities are primarily Progressive, meaning objectives are inherent and precedent to change.

Above all, the individual and the Identity is a decision maker. Decisions are generally always made in reference to what is interpreted as important and of Consequence. This character of interpretation is termed the Interpretive Context. What is of Consequence in general goes hand in hand with the nature of the Identity, such that money is of consequence to a Banker's Identity, and heaven is of consequence to a priest. An Identity may be adopted where the Consequence, more than the Identity, is desired. The Identity may become the Interpretive Context in which to interpret the world, such that the artist sees the world as design and color, whereas the store owner may see it as economics. The primary attributes of the Identities are Progressive, the Part, the One, Monotheism, Capitalism, Patriarchy and Fascism, which comprise Monoculture.


Ipseities are Interpretive Personifications created for the purpose of accomplishing objectives as Products, as are Identities, but which may reject the Products of Poly and Mono Culturalism in whole or part, and may engage in the undertaking of new characterizations, other than accepted cultural norms. And further Ipseities may represent other-dimensional and non-material personifications.

There are three kinds of Ipseities called Spiritual, Religious and Metatheistic. Spiritual Ipseities are called Polytheistic and may be such emulations as nature spirits and animal personifications. Religious Ipseities are said to be Monotheistic and are such things as Christ, Buddha, Mary Magdalene or Mother Teresa. Metatheistic Ipseities would represent the individual's personal Spirit or Spirits as interlocutor between the individual and physical reality, and as well as the Soul.

Ipseities would often take the form representative of characterization such as priests, ministers, rabbis, Buddhist monks or rainmaker and the like. A further practice of Metatheism, would be wherein an individual may employ an Ipseity called the Watcher, which is an Interpretive Personification, that watches oneself, as a study of one's unconscious behaviors and thinking, such as habitual mechanisms, and wherein changes to such can be changed.

Evaluative Systems

Systems for the evaluation for Consequence, would parallel the three Associative Selectors, as Optimum Correspondence for the Ego, the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative for the Identities, and Metaphorian Ipseity Evaluation for the Ipseities.

The term Evaluation is used here to mean the assessment and assignment of significance and Consequence by incremental degrees. The assessment of Consequence is determinations of more or less, such as the amount of rain is to some degree of greater or lesser importance to the farmer or the sun bather. Evaluation is discrimination, as the flavor of vanilla may be considered as some degree better than chocolate. The assessment of Consequence is determinations of more or less, as one's family is to some degree of greater or lesser importance depending on the assessment.

Evaluation is the province of mind, memory and mentality, as the Principle Property called Context. Spontaneous Evaluation is Interpretation, as the selection of Association, established by comparative assessment, as some degree between opposite poles of discordance and accordance, which represents agreement or disagreement with the sensory or intellectual systems as Evaluator. As a strange dog runs toward her, she does an Association search, to attempt to identify the intentions of the hound. Is it the Hound of the Baskervilles?

Optimum Correspondence

The Evaluative System of the Ego is called Optimum Correspondence, which uses a single point Comparative Base, as the optimum condition of any given entity. Assessment is of optimum condition and operation of the body or any given entity. Value and Consequence is assessed as either optimum, or something less or more. The human body must correspond to an optimum temperature, for optimum working order and evaluation, that is so many degrees more or less than 98.6°F. The Ego is called Conservative, which means its function is to evaluate the body's correspondence to specific and constant performance, correspondent to its environment and its own correspondent optimum operation.

The optimum amount of rain for grape-growing is fixed, and each year evaluated as something more or something less. The Comparative Base is fixed by the construct of any given entities composition, as a degree of optimum temperature, optimum amount of food and sleep or exercise. The optimum is not always a matter as determined by type, grade or species, but often is individual.

The MetaProperties Whole and the All, would be said to correspond to the evaluative system of Optimum Correspondence. The Whole, such as a household, city, state, an automobile, baseball team or bakery, would be fixed entities, and thus possess optimum conditions of existence, like a leak-proof roof, a large enough tax base, good gas mileage, a winning team and proper heating ovens. The All is any number of Wholes, or a collection of individual Parts, of which each would individually possess optimum functional conditions.

The Whole is affiliated with the Ego, in that the Ego is the interpreter of the body said to be a Whole. The results and products produced by a Whole are said to be primarily internal to itself, and thus the Ego's primary interest is the body as a Whole. The Ego would be said to be female in propensity.

Accordant Authority

is said to be, that all change is unified in the preservation of a Whole, as Unified Function, wherein the make-up of all its components are unified in composition, preservation, continuance, and function. Accordant Authority is best explained as the Whole, Part and Product, wherein the Parts, working in conjunction with each other, produce and sustain a Whole as an entity, which produces Products internal and external to itself. The human body, as a volitional vehicle, is the common accord for each and all of its Parts, such as heart, lungs, legs or brains. The individual would be said to have a single government as the brain, or Accordant Authority, unified in the maintenance and sustainment of a single body.

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative

The Evaluative System of the Identities is called the the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, which derives from polarization of Consequence, that accompanies the accomplishment of objectives as the definition of Identities, wherein the value and Consequence of a pre-existing state or entity, is derived by comparison with a changed state, which requires the transformation or destruction of that given pre-existent state or entity, and as especially engendered, by the adoption of Excess and Profit.

The Dyadic Authoritative Comparative is an unconscious system of Numerical Evaluation, as incremental degrees between Antithetical Opposites, negative and positive, or what called the Antithetical Matrix and Metaphysical Ideal. Evaluation is addition from the Antithetical Matrix, as more or better, than what is of little or no Consequence, such as primitive, undeveloped, uneducated, low class, old, hell or homeless, and subtraction from the Metaphysical Ideal, as less or some degree worse than, refined, developed, educated, high class, new, heaven or kings and queens. He or she was rated seven of one to ten. The diamond cost three hundred or seven hundred or one thousand, ten thousand or a hundred thousand.

The Part is affiliated with the Identities, the function of which is to create objectives external to themselves. Identities are singular and individual as personifications, to produce objectives, each of which contains its own rules, means and methods of accomplishment, as all requirements necessary to a baker or a banker, or to learn the game of baseball. The Identity is an Interpretive Context, in which to interpret reality in the context of specific objectives, such as a farmer may interpret the sky for signs of weather. If the body and Ego are a Whole, the Identities are Parts, as everyone an individual, having more than one identity, the average perhaps six, such as vehicle driver, religious Identity, mother or father, professional Identity, hobbyist or cook. Each Identity serves the Whole of the individual, who may be unaware of the differences and distinctions and interconnections.

Dyadic Authority

Dyadic Authority means duality, as the poles between the Metaphysical Ideal and Antithetical Opposites. The Given Existence, as the natural world to include humans, is determined as not a legitimate, complete and finished result & product, and therefore has no inherent consequence in and of itself, wherein Consequence must be obtained, by use as material for the creation of alternatives, called Progressive Materialism. A dichotomization of Consequence is created, called Dyadic Authority.

In contrast, is what is called the Metaphysical Ideal, as the epitome of Consequence, which takes the form of Mono-emininence, as the perfect Part and One, exemplified by Montheism, Patriarchy, MonoCulture, Capitalism and Fascism. Dyadic Authority is the operative, of MonoCulture and Libertarian Capitalism, which results from the adoption of Excess and Profit, and which is generally exemplified by rich and poor, and where money concentrates into fewer and fewer haves, and more and more have-nots. Since money buys Government, oligarchy is the result, as separate and not equal.

Metaphorian Ipseity Evaluation

The fundamental premise of Symbolic Logic is that physical reality outside the human sensory system is alive, intelligent, and capable of communication. Thus, physical change, such as ordinary or unordinary events, like the fall of a pine cone, the unexplained knock on the wall or a sudden storm may be interpreted as some form of communication.

In such cases, assuming the premise, a means of interpretation for non-verbal communication termed Semiotic Language would be necessary. Semiotic Language is the communication of some spiritual form, manifested as nonverbal signs, events, circumstances, interpreted as symbolic communication. Symbolic Logic is based on perception of the reality of the world in terms of Symbols. The primary premise is that Symbolic Language is communication and that all facets of reality can be language.

Olamic Value

Olamic Value means, anything natural can be anything that the individual defines it to be, in any given time and place. Any given quality, entity or condition would possess no specific pre-existent value and consequence. In the world of Definitive Value, everything has pre-defined definition and meaning, by conditioning if nothing else, but this is considered a convenience and commonality of communication. A tree is always a tree, even if it is in an impossible context, such as flying like a bird. Definition and meaning proceed context. A fish is always a fish, even in the context of when mounted on a wall.

By Symbolic Logic, the individual creates individual language and meaning. The essential premise is that there may exist meaning and communication in nearly everything. Thus, the language and meaning of any quality, entity, event or condition, is given its content, by the interpretation of the individual as it occurs, rather than pre-existing. However, there becomes an obvious dual reality.

The population of the world and everyone that the individual knows will proceed along in terms of the Definitive Value, of Mundane Consciousness with pre-assigned definition and meaning. Thus, the individual must be aware that Symbolic Logic is a private language, and will not be appreciated or necessarily considered legitimate, or as anything but crazy to others.

Triadic Authority

would mean all three authorities as the Triadic Intraverse, or Accordant, Dyadic and Triadic, as the three dimensions of Matter, Mind and Meta. Matter is said to be the sphere of Polytheism, Mind the realm of Monotheism and Meta the domain of Metatheism meaning beyond Matter and Mind. Thus, the individual has access to all three determinants, using one or another, depending upon situation and circumstance.

The Triadic Intraverse is said to be representative of three social, cultural constructs, as that analogous to the Whole would be Polyism and PolyCulture, and as analogous to the Part, would be Monoism and MonoCulture. As analogous to the Product would be Triadism and MetaCulture.


The Human Sensory Apparatus responds in terms of feelings, to stimuli registered from both within and outside the body. The impetus for the response and reaction of the sensory apparatus, is the conditions of the immediate present environment, which produces sensations to which the sensory apparatus perceives and may be required to respond, such as sudden temperature change or bodily urges.

This response is anything from the smell of garlic to a muscle pain, the sight of an object flying toward one, to the taste of vinegar. Nearly every sensory response produces feeling. The feelings produced by the Human Sensory Apparatus are identical or fairly similar for almost every individual. Nearly everyone likes to eat food, but hardly anyone is so fond of eating tree leaves. This means that on a sensory level, most sensations and the response they produce as feelings, are for the most part common to all.

Three sensory response processes, are defined as called, Natural Affection, which corresponds to associative selection of the Ego, Emotion, which is affinitive to the associative propensities of the Identities, and Ecstaticism, correspondent to the associative proclivities of the Ipseities.

Natural Affection

A distinction is made between Natural Affection said to be governed by Amorphous Sensation, which is absent Associative Consequence. Amorphous Sensation is the sensory response of the Human Sensory Apparatus, like any of the five senses such as taste or smell, sight or sound. It is the feeling derived from sensations both exterior and interior to the body, and can be anything from stomach pain to the witness of a shooting star, as primarily Correspondent Association, in which the sensory response reflects the natural and direct effects upon the sensory apparatus, as the feeling of wind on the skin, as opposed to Disconjunctive Association, and the dictates of Consequential Value defined as the begetter of Emotion.

The distinction is made between Natural Affection and Emotion, because what is of Consequence to the individual or culture is highly subjective. Natural Affection is fairly objective. The character of the Human Sensory Apparatus is fairly equivalent for all persons, in which the senses are not incapacitated. Everyone pretty much agrees on things like the color blue, the sound of thunder, the taste of strawberry or peach, and reaction should be fairly equivalent. All individuals may be affected nearly equally by the sound of a sudden and unexpected nearby explosion. After the initial shock, one may attach Associations. The type of Associations will determine the response.

Natural Affection may be described by the Equipolent Emotional Dynamic, as an emotional system which is not antagonistic, or which does not polarize what is of consequence, into antithetical dichotomies. Consequential Value is unified, called Complimentary Opposition. Most planetary opposites are complimentary such as up/down, night and day, winter/summer, growth and decay. The one needs the other, each modifying its opposite to Optimum Correspondence, as not too hot and not too cold, not too many and not little, not too sweet and not too bitter.


Emotion is defined as physical reaction or response, of the Human Sensory Apparatus, to sensual stimulation as present experience or thinking, wherein the response is affected by and relative to, Associations which contains Consequential Value significant to the individual. The individual is much distressed at the death of one's own dog, but not so much other people's animals.

The greatest effect upon sensory response is what is termed Consequential Value. Tragedy involving strangers may have little sensory effect upon the individual. When tragedy involves the self or personal relations, then the sensory response is usually quite affected and animated. Sensory response which is influenced by Consequential Value is defined as Emotion. When the sensory response is not impacted by Consequential Value, it is defined as Natural Affection.

The Dyadic Authoritative Comparative is an evaluative system based on antithetical opposites, which could be called Bipolar Consequence, and of which a bipolar emotional complex is derived. No or little Consequence, should generate only apathy, indifference and detachment. However, it is often the case that the greatest emotional hatred, fury, acrimony, ferocity and frenzy is generated toward the Antithetical Matrix. The greater the effect of Consequence, the greater the emotional response.

In terms of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, love would be representative of the Metaphysical Ideal and hate the Antithetical Matrix. Love is what is above, and hate what is below. In fact, in so far as the Progressive Paradigm and Excess & Profit is concerned, hatred is mandated with the creation of Progressive Materialism, wherein Consequential Negation would deem the resource base, inherently worthless and of no Consequence. Those then, who control the values of what constitutes the Metaphysical Ideal and Antithetical Matrix, as for instance religion, control the emotional makeup, to some large extent, of entire cultures.


is defined as Natural Affection, and a revised set of Consequential Values, as would befit the Ipseities, as having formulated new operating procedures, having disassociated from the bipolarities of the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative of Monoism. In the interest of Tridadic Authority, Natural Affection as inherent to the body and as the province of the Ego, of course is retained. The Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, if not generally employed, but should be understood as an awareness of Monoists, Monotheists and MonoCulturists, as a matter of understanding and self-protection.

An aspect of the reformed personality as an Ipseity, would be the object of feeling, if not great, good all the time. Through processes of analysis, one clears one's mind of confusion. One learns what foods are most agreeable to one's body, what patterns of regularity feel best, the proper amount of sleep, some degree of exercise, much of which might be boring to progressives, but all of which are in the interest of feeling good if not great all the time. Another aspect is heart rate, which should be affected as little possible by mental activity, as Natural Affection and Emotion, wherein a calming attitude of quietude is imposed upon the body in any instance of stress.

Another aspect of the Ipseity, would be a new-found form of evaluation, in which Consequence is applied to everything, or all is important. Or another way to say it is, love of everything. However, Emotion then becomes overwhelming unless counter contingencies are undertaken, wherein an overall philosophy of emotional quietude is adopted, such as concepts like Complimentary Opposition, wherein natural conflict is complimentary to the overall Whole, like balance of nature and Necessity and Subsistence, wherein what is consumed, is replaced by reproduction, as an equilibrium. These kinds of understandings can allow for a controlled and tranquil Ecstaticism.


In modern times, the individual is inculcated into the Progressive Materialist paradigm and Mundane Consciousness. Progressive Materialism relies, for its Determination, or that which determines what something is, and thus how it should or can be treated, on Finite Determination, wherein the results and products of change explain the reason, purpose, value, consequence and meaning, of any state or entity. Thus, the post hole defines the shovel or the vegetables define the garden.

From this perspective, the resulting evaluative term is called Definitive Value. Definitive Value means that any phenomenon, entity or event is identified and defined in terms of relationships to results & products, as contributive resource, vehicles for, or actual qualities & conditions. Thus, the rock is defined as building material, or the bus as transportation. Finite Determination and Definitive Value, relegates any given element, state and entity to singular and specific definition and value, which means that all such entities as ascribed are essentially dead. An entity that is only one thing, can only be that thing, cannot be other than what it is defined to be, meaning no choice and no intelligence. From this perspective, the universe and natural world is essentially dead and merely material. Humans intelligence is alone in a material world, which is a machine.

Three types of reasoning are desribed, parallel the triad as the Triadic Intraverse, which would be correspondent to Poly, Mono and Meta Cultures as Foundation, Authority and Symbolic Reasoning.

Foundation Reasoning

means that conclusions are derived from grounds, foundation, facts, evidence and premises, as given and collected, to which the conclusion should be derived, regardless of the personal predilections of the reasoner. Evidence dictates ends.

Foundation Reasoning is considered Conservative, because the evidence is from pre-existent states as real, empirical, existing, actual or quality, condition, circumstance or situation, that pre-exists conclusion, objective, agenda and outside considerations. Erosion occurred after the forest was clear-cut, so it could be concluded that clear-cutting causes erosion where none existed before. Foundation Reasoning is necessary to the Whole and the propensity of Socialism, because socialist government is the pooling of community resources for the good of the whole, like roads, water, energy, health or education. Since the Whole or government, must be preserved, evidential reasoning is necessary for accurate and true assessment.

The Ego as interpreter, operator and protector of the body, must rely on accurate, dependable, true and predictable information, evidence and Association, to maintain and sustain safe body well-being. Thus, Foundation Reasoning would be the logic of the Ego, and would be the logical processes affiliative to the Whole, as best practices for all its Parts.

Authority Reasoning

is when conclusions proceed evidence, facts and premises. An example might be the conclusion that there is no such thing as 'Global Warming'. This determination may support the proclivities of certain types of people, who profit from the causes of the phenomenon. The conclusion as a generality proceeds the evidence. Thus, only evidence that supports the conclusion, that there is no such thing as Global Warming, may be accepted, and all evidence to the contrary may be ignored or denied. The term Authority Reasoning is used because the pre-existent conclusion is the authority upon which reasoning is based. Authorities are such as God, the Bible, the Law, experts, Governmental officials and legislators, secret classified intelligence, fame and fortune or agreement even if false.
Authority Reasoning means that facts, evidence and premises are selected and disregarded based upon correspondence to already pre-existent authority, or authoritative objectives in-future, and which is the propensity of the Identities, and where objectives as ends, dictate evidence. The future is determined by objectives. Information which does not support that authority is disregarded. Any evidence to the contrary is denied. In reference to the subject-matter Identity, the authority for reasoning would be said to be the Identity, in which reason should support its validity. When one makes a living by selling dangerous products unknown to the buyer, the Identity of the seller, will more often than not self-deny the truth of culpability, wherein the authority for reasoning is the Identity of good-seller Sam.

Symbolic Logic

The fundamental premise of Symbolic Logic is that physical reality, outside the human sensory system, is alive, intelligent and capable of communication. Thus, physical change, such as ordinary or unordinary events, like the fall of a pine cone, the unexplained knock on the wall or a sudden storm, may be interpreted as some form of communication. In such cases, assuming the premise, a means of interpretation for non-verbal communication termed Semiotic Language would be necessary.

Semiotic Language is the communication of some spiritual form manifested as nonverbal signs, events, circumstances, as symbolic communication. Symbolic Logic is based on perception of the reality of the world, in terms of Symbols. The primary premise is that Symbolic Logic is communication and that all facets of reality can be language.

By the concept of Olamic Value, anything natural can be anything that the individual defines it to be, in any given time and place. Any given quality, entity or condition would possess no specific pre-existent value and consequence. In the world of Definitive Value, everything has pre-defined definition and meaning, by conditioning if nothing else, but this is considered a convenience and commonality of communication. A tree is always a tree, even if it is in an impossible context, such as represented as a swimming fish. Definition and meaning proceed context. A bird is always a bird, even in the context of a sculpture.

By Symbolic Logic, the individual may create individual language and meaning. Sticks flat in the sand, may be representative of pointers, of which one might follow to something or nothing. The essential premise is that there can exist meaning and communication in nearly everything. Thus, the language and meaning of any quality, entity, event or condition is given its content, by the interpretation of the individual as it occurs, rather than pre-existing. The rainbow signified success in the current endeavor. Foul weather was considered a sign of the times.

However, there becomes an obvious dual reality. The population of the world and everyone that the individual knows, will proceed along in terms of the Definitive Value of Mundane Consciousness, with pre-assigned definition and meaning. Thus, the individual must be aware that this is a private language, and will not be appreciated or necessarily considered legitimate, or as anything but crazy to others.


as truth and integrity, virtue or rectitude would be classified as characterized by three contexts of operation, as Ethics correspondent to the Conservative Paradigm, Morality to the Progressive and Compassion to the Exoteric Paradigm.


When thought, word, activity and behavior are correspondent to the truth, actuality, accuracy, certainty, veracity and authenticity, regardless of self limitation, it is called Ethics. Perspective wherein any given pre-existent state is considered of greater consequence and value than alternatives to it, even and especially, when a detriment to the beneficiary of the change. Emphasizes Prohibitive Integrity or prohibitions as opposed to Volition. The Consequence of Being inherent to any phenomenon, entity or event as Consequential Integrity, ethically prohibits or limits human volition, as the transformation or destruction of any given pre-existent state, for Conceptual Objectives.

Ethical conduct is based on the well-being of the larger environment, and the good of the Whole, to which the individual conforms ambitions and desires. Ethical behavior in this sense is a conformance to that environment, even though the individual accepts something less than is possible. Authority for human conduct, exists in the present state of any given circumstance, in which the individual corresponds to those conditions. The individual may identify with the group whole, as opposed to personal material advancement, and a need for superior individuality.


Because of the Consequential Negation of Progressive Materialism, which deems the entire natural world, as without any inherent Consequence, to include humans with the exceptions for Religion and Perfection, a social governance must be created called Morality, which in actuality derives from the numerical evaluative system, called here the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, of the Progressive Paradigm.

There are no prohibitions in the system of Morality. Murder and mayhem can always be justified as legitimate self-defense. Religion is bipolar and the annihilation of evil is always justified, though evil may be no more than differing opinion. Evaluations as what can and what cannot, are determined as degrees of Consequence, worth or validity for any state or entity, as are assessed by degree, on the scale of zero or one to ten, added from zero or one and subtracted from ten, like earthly existence is something more than hell, and something less than heaven. How any given entities are treated, is according to place on the scale. Polytheistic Indian holy sites are low on the scale and may be exploited. Monotheistic holy sites, like churches, are high and sacrosanct. God is ten and the devil is zero or one. The lower classes are lower numbers, and the higher classes are higher numbers. Zero is used by pseudo conservatives, and one by Liberals. Deluded Pseudo conservatives are actually Progressives.


as the probity of the Exoteric Paradigm, is considered here, as not only a concern for the suffering of others, but in the broad sense of the ability to relate, connect, recognize, discern, link or identify with all the many aspects of other persons and living things in general, in terms of the many and various circumstances, conditions and the many perspectives that is their condition. Compassion is regarded as the ability to assume the perspective of any or all other things, and in so doing accord one's attitude, sympathy and conduct to the conditions and circumstances of other realities. Exoterica embraces especially Ethics, and would understand Morality and its true origins, as the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, called duality by the Buddhists. Exoterica would understand that polarization would not lead to empathy, but the exact opposite. Exoterica as compassion would encourage the development of a true sense of Love.


means here other-dimensionality, following the triad of Polytheism, Monotheism and Metatheism. Polytheism as many Gods, Goddesses and deities is called Spirituality, in contrast to one God Monotheism defined here as Religion. Metatheism would be affiliated with Polytheism, and Monotheism would be recognized, although not particularly practiced. Metatheism would be empirical as assuming spiritual intercession in the physical world, manifested as sight and sound, and considered as communication called Semiotic Language.


as mostly called paganism in Monoculture, is traditionally the other-dimensionality, of Indigenous pre-excess and profit peoples, which means many Gods, Goddesses and all manner of nymphs, goblins, gnomes, sirens, spirits or sprites, and Spiritual entities of every sort. Polytheism is a democracy of spirits, and is analogous to the Whole and the All. Polytheism is otherwise called here Spirituality.

Polytheism, further defines the present physical existence of the natural world, to be a Spiritual State and condition, or both material and spiritual. This would include the ability of any given individual, to evidence sensory experience of Spiritual Manifestations, as any or all elements or aspects of the Given Existence, wherein the individual may have a relationship, with any or all elements of the natural world, in terms of Spiritual Context and Semiotic Language, meaning random occurrence otherwise interpreted as other-dimensional communication.

Polytheism is further corresponded to the Whole, and with a Unified Function of a sum of Parts. Every aspect of a forest is a unified totality, and produces what it is experienced to be, as a multiplicity of interrelated Parts. In the same way, Polytheism is many interrelated other-dimensional aspects believed to populate the Spiritual world. Greek mythology is the most well known of the Polytheistic systems. Polytheism is affiliative to Conservative, the Ego, Matriarchy, Socialism and Democracy. Polytheism is a democracy of many Gods, Goddesses, and various other-dimensional manifestations.


as one and only one God, is exclusive, authoritative, prejudiced and fascist. Monotheism is the Holy Grail, as ultimate perfection and supreme virtue of the One, as opposed to Polytheism as a democracy of the Spiritual All. With the advent of Excess and Profit, the concept of Antithetical Opposition becomes apparent, whereas nature is transformed from Spiritual sacredness to resource for materials, to produce Excess and Profit, and which introduces Materialism, that defines what is of Consequence, as primarily material perfection, of only human created technology, that condones central authority of the autocrat, as the exemplar of God's perfection, and by status, as degrees of conformance to God's perfection, creates and promotes the separation of the classes, and eventually promotes murder and mayhem against non-believers.

Monotheism is defined here as one God Religion, as opposed to the Spirituality of many deities of Polytheism. Monotheism is a single, one and only one God. Monotheism generally possesses some commonalities, such as God is not from here, but resides else wheres, as extra-dimensional, like Heaven, of which can only be envisioned through Context as mind and memory. Monotheism is of a seemingly convenient corollary to the MetaProperty One, and the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, as evaluation between opposite poles. The opposites of top and bottom are God and the Devil. God is the greatest and supreme progressed perfection. The Devil is the deviant, aberrant, depraved and degenerate.

One's individual religious worth is evaluated somewhere between the added from the devil and subtracted from God. The individual is to progress to the greatest degree of perfection possible, as exemplified by the One perfect God, that tolerates not any inferior imperfection, and thus tolerates no other less perfect Gods or Goddesses, and therefore is fascist. The individual is to pursue attributes of the MetaProperty One, as superior perfection separate from the All and Whole.


represents other-dimensional being, as either an existent reality, as the natural world and universe of the Given Existence already created, or is a state of mind as a creation in the Negative Dimension, which can only be symbolized by books, churches, religious rites and the like, or as something in some other dimension of space and time, as life after death.

If other-dimensional states are evident to the senses, and not the manifestation of mind, like a mentally constructed conception of heaven or the visions of Prophets, then its existence as sensory reality may be experienced in any given present circumstance of actual reality, as the experience of this world. Other-dimensional spirits are usually associated with Polytheism. If a spiritual state is a manifestation existing elsewhere, as having existed in the past, like the days of Buddha or Jesus, of which represents the possibility of future experience, as an after death ascendancy to paradise, then this form of religious-state can only exist as association in the memory, or as human created symbols, such as religious texts, art, or architecture. This form of theism is usually associated with Monotheism.

The essence of Metatheism, is communication with Spirit as Metaphor, by Semiotic Language or symbolic signs. As with Polytheism, these Products would be internal to the Whole and associated with thereof, as the environment of which one exists, since the Spirit would operate in the three-dimensional world.


It is here proposed that cultural gender orientation descends from first, the body, mind and spirit, and secondarily the Ego, Identities and Ipseities. Matriarchy hardly exists, as it is incompatible with Monoculture, Monotheism, and the Progressive Paradigm. Oh, there is the occasional queen, but the government is run mostly by men, and the queen is monarch only because the king expired. All the heirs are men. Why is Monotheism's God male, as well as Monarchy's heirs?

The Associational Selector as the Ego, selects Association primarily in the context of the body, and would be associated with the Whole and Matriarchy. Progressive Materialism's Excess and Profit is objective oriented, of which personifications as Identities are necessary and predominate, and thus it would be said that Patriarchy, as male Generative, is suited to Capitalism and the fundament of MonoCulture. The Associational Selectors as the Identities selects Association primarily in the context of objectives, and is associated with the Part and Patriarchy. The Associational Selectors as the Ipseities, select Association primarily in the context of Triadic Authority, as Poly, Mono and Meta Cultural considerations. The Associational Selector as the Ipseities is considered the Generative of Equiarchy or equality of the genders.


if it ever existed, would proceed the industrial age and Excess and Profit, which is Progressive. The female is said to be Ego oriented, or that which interprets reality in terms of the context of the body. Since the body is delicate, the Ego is the defender and protector of the body, and thus must be somewhat Conservative, as preferring to walk as opposed to motorcycle riding. And of course women as hearth and home, prefer and demand generally, stability and safe, sane and loving environment for children.

Matriarchy is corresponded to the MetaProperty Whole, which produces Products internal to itself. Any organic body as a Whole, is the domain of every Part which makes up the whole of an organism. Each of the Parts such heart and lungs, produce products external to themselves, as contributing to the persistence of the Whole. Attributes of the Whole would be that which makes for a harmonious Unified Function of each and all of its Parts, and thus such as All, inclusive, democratic and egalitarian, although the Parts must conform and are restricted to their duties as is their function within the Whole.

The pairing of male and female genders, generally produces Products external to themselves as children, and thus each would be a Part, but the unit would be a Whole. A family is a Whole and as such, all the Parts are necessary to that Whole, as Accordant Authority, and each would be equal in Consequence, such as love. Unequal Consequence does damage to psychologies.


as male prevailing culture, is the dominate sociological, cultural and political order of modern times, and which accords to Progressive Materialism, Monotheism, the Metaphysical Ideal and Monoculture, the Part, the Identities, the One, Capitalism and Fascism, all of which are the result of the introduction of Excess & Profit and the Metaphysical Ideal.

Progressive Materialism is objective oriented, as the achievement of ever more commoditization, and the numerical quantification of one's Consequence, is determined by how much one has materially or talent wise. Objectives are personified and are called Identities, such as singer, songwriter, dentist or seamstress. The primary Associative Selectors are the Identities as products of the mind, whereas the Ego, as the material body, may or is considered inferior, deficient, foul, impure and corrupt.

Identities as opposed to Ego, are said to be male in orientation, wherein the pursuit of many types of objectives requires male attributes such as strength, assertiveness, independence, leadership or violence. Thus, the Progressive Paradigm as objective oriented is called male weighted or Patriarchal. The Ego is said to be the province of the female, as body context Interpretation, and Identities the province of the male as objective context personification and Identities. The female might interpret a party in the context of the body weight-gain, while the male in the context of objectives as networking for business.


Where Matriarchy is culture based, of female traits and attributes, said to be analogous and harmonious to the dynamic of the Whole, Ego and the All, and while Patriarchy is male, traits more analogous to the Part, the Identities and the One, Equiarchy if it existed, would be analogous to the Product, the Ipseities and the Null.

Where Matriarchy is culture based on female traits and attributes, and Patriarchy on male mentality, Equiarchy would be a culture of a combined ethos, psyche and psychology, favoring an equality of the genders, but would embrace attitudes of whatever type of relationships, any given individuals would agree upon, such as gender active, gender passive or interchangeable. The design, configuration, and manifestations of the Whole, would be best suited for diversity of social relationships, in that individuals, though diverse in private lives, would as a service to the Whole, have a Unified Function, and wherein the Products of the Whole would be available and free for everyone. Equiarchy, as various types of gender relationships, should be acceptable in Socialist agendas provided they are private and not public pushed.

If the Ego is a fundamental associative interpreter, representative of the body, and if the Identities are necessary to accomplish goals, Ipseities might be created as an alter to the Ego and Identities. Because the Ego is limited to the context of the body, and is perhaps introverted emotionally, and because Identities as may be created, may be contrary to the interests of the Ego, Ipseities may be created, usually as other-dimensionals, such a Poly, Mono and Meta theisms, but also as counter culture personalities to Poly and Mono Culture. Ipseities may be gender benders.


is classified as PolyCulture, MonoCulture and MetaCulture, the poly based on what is common to All, called Common Consent Accords, the mono based on the MonoUltra, or Metaphysical Ideal, as One most perfect and superior, different, singular and distinct from the All, and MetaCulture, emphasizing the Absent Determinant or Null, as alternatives to the foregoing systems, including other-dimensionality.


would mean that the many and all of any culture, would possess an Existent Equality, as every Part considered as an essential and equal aspect of the Whole. Individuals may be diverse in custom, habit, background, race, religion and beliefs. Polyculturalism is not Multiculturalism, which is the current day experiment in social havoc, with no borders - social, sexual, religious or political. PolyCulture begins with Socialism as Government found everywhere, wherein the institution represents the Existent Equality, of All as opposed to the One, which is Government stolen by and for the few, generally as Capitalists and called Monoculturalists.


Wherein the individual as the Part produces Products, not for the Whole and All, but a preponderance or most of it for the few as One, external to the Whole as the community, and internal to private, separate and individual domains of the few. Because capital resources and assets are diverted from the community as a Whole, to the Part as the few, the society will eventually and ultimately fall into states of wrack and ruin.

MonoCulturists, especially in the form of Capitalists, dislike Government and attempt to subvert it wherever possible, because liking themselves to the Mono Ultra, they don't believe that they should pay taxes or support the unrefined stumble block many, except through, so good of them charities, but rather that the many should support their ultra supreme Metaphysical Ideals, and pay taxes to them, and which in governmental form is authoritarianism. MonoCulture is society characterized by the Part, the One, Capitalism, Monotheism and Fascism.


exists in the forms of Polytheism, Monotheism and various other-dimensional beliefs, as well as any number of subcultures, which exist independent of Poly and Mono, as this dimension and other-dimensional, sometimes secular, spiritual or religious cults, social movements, political agendas, organizational alternatives, other than the cultural norms.


The two primary types of economics are defined as Socialism and Capitalism. Socialism is non-profit Government, wherein specific aspects of the economy are socialized, meaning produced and regulated by the Government for all individuals, of the governed province equitably. Government jobs are for the most part maintenance, as such things as roads, bridges, water, power or fire and police protection, libraries, parks, health and hospitals, regulations or welfare, and are funded by the collective resources of the community at large, in the form of taxes.

Capitalism is defined as primarily private enterprise, wherein the Excess and Profit of economic activity and behavior benefits primarily individuals, family and the few as the owners, and wherein the workers are paid a living wage but not always. Amalgamism would deem all Necessities and Subsistence common to All, the province of Government, and superfluity, not necessaries, tastes, inessentials or discretionary the province of Capitalism.


Socialism is the pooling of the collective resources of any group of individuals, for the purpose of producing benefit for the whole, in the form of Government, and of which the pooled resources are utilized as best benefits all. Insurance, banks, churches and nature are all instances of socialism, when not used for private profit. Needs common to all are such as food, housing, heat, light, roads, disposals, healthcare, education and communications, transportation or police and fire. Non-essentials as preference, supplementary, superfluity or exclusiveness and would be the province of Capitalism. The commonality of All would be the function of Government, and the individuality of One would be the province of Capitalism.

Analogous of Socialism is the Whole, which is called Government, that acts as a unifying authority, for all the diverse individuals and interests in the society, and to serve the community and larger society in common, as the whole equitably. The primary function of a Whole is said to produce Products, as infrastructure and services internal to itself, in support of all the Parts, and to create a harmonious friction free community.

A Whole is described as a circumscribed domain, or the territory of a political union as an incorporated town, city, metropolis or nation. A Whole is composed of elements or Parts, of which in conjunction, comprise a Unified Function. Parts can be compared to citizens of which a certain number work for the collective, providing the services of the community, as government workers and who are all socialists. These would be administrators, politicians, street or water-works workers, park and library employees. Of the Parts or people that don't work for the government, we could call Capitalists or privateers.


Where Socialism is defined as economic output, purposed to benefit the Whole and All, the economic benefit of Capitalism is said purposed to benefit the Part, One and the few. Capitalism descends from Excess and Profit as Progressive, which is antithetical to nature, as Necessity and Subsistence, of which is Conservative. Small Capitalism is for the most part honest and good, and everyone loves a good restaurant or ice cream parlor. However, Corporate Capitalism, while efficient and reliable, has a tendency to concentrate wealth and is subject to greed and every crime known to knowing.

Capitalism, as meant here, is the production and selling of entities and commodities for profit, or the selling of excess for private profit. Private individuals for private purposes, produce salable goods such as vegetables, clothes, housing, entertainment, or anything that people will purchase, and the more the better, as more profit and more excess. Thus, Capitalism is Progressive, and the authority is Post-changed States, or changed states as opposed to original qualities and conditions.

Analogous of Capitalism is the Part which is called private purpose. The primary function of a Part is said to produce Products external to itself, as excess for traffic and trade external for profit. The Part may produce Products in the interest of the Whole called All, or it may produce Products in the interest of the self called One. Capitalism by definition produces Products external to itself for self-interest as One.


would be a combination of Socialism and Capitalism, the primary distinction being that socialist Government would provide all needs and necessities common to all regardless, and Capitalism would provide wants, desires, wishes or individual exclusivity, as best corresponds and does not conflict with Government.

Actually Amalgamism is the way it is now in most places, as Government and Capitalism, except the capitalists usually aren't smart enough to recognize that Government is Socialism, and because they need it, therefore it can't be recognized as the hated socialism. The problem is that some capitalists will steal the Government whenever and wherever they can, whereby Government for the many as All, becomes Government for the few and One. Capitalists will not regulate themselves, except as to ever further the concentration of wealth, and therefore it becomes the province of Government to regulate Capitalism.

Amalgamism would represent the Product of Socialism and Capitalism, as a balance of systems, where both would thrive equally well, for the benefit of the All as opposed to the One. The Part should fare well in the Context of the Whole, of which it is a Part, as well as the Whole, of which all the Parts are healthy.


Government is any number of individuals, which in some manner is selected from the community, that acts on the behalf of, and performs functions for the community as a Whole, in which the community otherwise would or could not do for itself. Government by definition is Socialist. This means that the purpose and objective of government is to act for the larger community as a Whole. Its assets and purposes are owned, and are to serve the community in common, as a nonprofit organization. Government acts as a unifying authority for all the diverse individuals and interests in the society as a whole.

The government regulates the relations of individuals within the community. Individuals, families, clans, or organizations do not necessarily agree with each other, and may have different standards for all aspects of living. The government regulates with laws, activity, behavior and conduct, so as to promote the greatest safety, the least friction, and theoretically the most fairness. By the concept of government, the purpose is the mutual benefit of all of its citizens, and rules and regulations should be equitable to all.


Democracy means equality, although one will not find it defined as such. The accepted definition is Government where citizens get-to vote. Almost all nations now have the vote, which legitimizes their governments. However, there is almost no such thing as direct democracy, where all citizens vote on all issues of government. It is representative government and those representatives, are subject to all manner of extraneous influences, from personal corruption, nepotism, bribery to blackmail.


bases its legitimacy on Authority that overrides the lesser, of the two-tier bipolar consequential dichotomy, wherein mind is preemptive of the physical, and the most fundamental of authorities are God, Gold, Guns, Govern, and the Metaphysical Ideal. Since God and Gold are exclusive, guns, ever guns must be the enforcement to govern, for there is no argument which justifies exclusivity to the excluded. Fascism is the province of the One as self, me, myself and I, and us against them. The Metaphysical Ideal is one God, one man, one self, better than them.


Besides Democracy and Fascism, would be said to be what is called Convention, which means the way things are done by All, and Conventions such as always be polite, also called unwritten law, as manners, or how things are done, of which most people agree and correspond. Convention tends to be cultural and local, as 'when in Rome do as the Romans do'. Do not speak to strangers is not a law, but is a convention followed by some people.

