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Two numerical scales of value and Consequence are proposed as zero to ten and one to ten. Zero as Antithetical Matrix would be reserved for what is called the Untouchable Class, as the lowest class considered irredeemable, by the Pseudo-conservative personality, which relies upon the propensity to assess Consequence, by subtracting from the Metaphysical Ideal or Extra Mundane Authorities, as some degree less, and would be called subtractive. Pseudo-conservative persons are actually the most progressive, as possessing or having accumulated the most property or elite status, and who tend to be intolerant of those who do not conform to their elitist and private dominions.


Addition from one as opposed to zero would pertain to Liberals, which would not recognize an Untouchable Class, and would consider all persons redeemable. The Liberal personality has the propensity to assess Consequence from the bottom, and would be called additive, and thus they tend to be more modest and identify with the lower end of the social scale, though they generally are of the middle class.

Additory and Subtractive Base

Additory Base can also be called All and the Subtractive Base One, as unintuitive as it may seem, but One and All represent attributes. The All is the commons, representing the lower end of the hierarchical scale, that represent negative qualities & conditions, or the least degrees of Volitional Abilities, from which status is assessed by adding as more than. The lower class tend to evaluate themselves by addition from what's lower, as we might be not all that much, but we're better than them. The One is the Metaphysical Ideal and or Extra Mundane Authority, as the greatest degree of Volitional Abilities which represent a base for subtraction. The upper classes tend to evaluate themselves by subtraction from the top, as we might seem well off, but we are not anywhere nears millionaires, or is it now billionaires?

Metaphysical Ideal (4 of 13)             Next Page
