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This bipolar antagonistic opposition can be further elucidated by what are called the MetaProperties All and One. The All means everything inclusive of a type, and is associated with a Whole. All means the many, as opposed to One, which means the few. All is associated with what is common to all, and with commonalities as community, public and social union, government and Socialism, and is representative of altruism.

One is exclusive of everything, or the sum of a type, and is associated with the Part as opposed to the Whole, and is singular, self and self-centered, individual, autocratic, self-interested, self-serving and All for One. The attributes of One are privatism, individuality, Monotheism, Patriarchy, Capitalism and Fascism.

Dyadic Authoritative Comparative

And therein is derived the Evaluative System termed the Dyadic Authoritative Comparative, defined as the evaluative system of the Progressive Paradigm. Wherein by the perspective of the Absence of Consequence, as a considered condition of the natural world and Given Existence, a system is necessary to regulate what can and cannot be transformed or destroyed. The Dyadic Authoritative Comparative is a system of evaluation which uses a scale of Numerical Evaluation as incremental degrees between Antithetical Opposites, negative and positive or as one to ten. Evaluations as degrees of Consequence, worth or validity for any state or entity, are assessed by degree on the scale of one to ten, added from one and subtracted from ten, like earthly existence is something more than hell and something less than heaven.

Antithetical Matrix

The Antithetical Matrix represents Additory Base, from which to measure as better than, greater or superior, and is the basis from which to measure progress away from, as modern society is measured against the Middle Ages. The Metaphysical Ideal and Extra Mundane Authority represents Subtractive Base, from which to measure as less than such as an oligarch or God, and is the goal and authority for progression.

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