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Corporate Capitalism is able to raise so much money by selling shares, that it can buy up the competition and become monopolistic. Does Walmart care that it destroys Main-street ? It does not. Does the Military Industrial Complex care that it destroys nations and murders millions ? It does not. Evil is so utterly stupid, it believes the evil it commits is good, by destroying evil, said to be opposed to the Metaphysical Ideal.


The Metaphysical Ideal of course is Fascist. Monotheism is fascist, as one and only one God, under penalty of hell, or this world annihilation or exploitation. MonoCulture is fascist, the mono meaning the perfect One on top as the star system, and the culture meaning the rest as supporting cast and exploitives below. Monoculture is said to be comprised of two sub-systems called Monotheism of God and Moneytheism of Gold also called Monarchy, oligarchy or autocracy. MonoCulture includes Patriarchy, Capitalism and Fascism.

Fascism bases its legitimacy on the Authority of the Metaphysical Ideal. And of course the highest Authorities are God and Gold, supported by Guns and Graft. The Metaphysical Ideal is Antithetically Opposite to nature, and is all and everything that it is not, thus producing a bipolarity as a duality of what is advanced and what is retarded, as fascist supremacy. Or those with more and those with less. The superior deserve more. The inferior deserve less, and since biologically, people are more alike than different, inequality is created as an unconscious mechanism to justify unequal means.

Monoculture of course includes racism, sexism and every form of discrimination, against deviation from accepted societal norms based on Metaphysical Ideals. People who can't understand why anyone would be different than they, generally make good fascists, as they are not smart enough to understand difference. Societal standards as Convention, are necessary for a cohesive, friction-free, sense of shared values and community as especially in Socialism. Smart people can and do talk to anyone because they think everyone in fundamental respects are the same. Dumb people don't talk to anyone, because they think everyone is different.

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