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The best example of Authority Reasoning would be God, of which there is no evidence, none. All Monotheism reasons by authority, and not by evidence, and thus is it a wonder that these people should not be allowed in government, but of course they are.

Another example might be the conclusion that there is no such thing as 'Global Warming'. This determination may support the proclivities of certain types of people who profit from the causes of the phenomenon. The conclusion as a generality proceeds the evidence. Thus, only evidence that supports the conclusion that there is no such thing as Global Warming may be accepted, and all evidence to the contrary may be ignored or denied. The term Authority Reasoning is used because the pre-existent conclusion is the authority upon which reasoning is based.

Authorities may be such as religion, government, institutions, systems like capitalism or socialism, legal persona's, institutions of higher learning, educational institutions, media or news, or any Authority that one accepts as genuine, without personal verification called Internal Authority, based on personal experience. Simply accepting Credibility Authority is easy and lazy, requiring no effort on the part of the individual, to seek alternative sources of information.


Ideology is a set of convictions, values, rules, convention and laws which are used to guide one's beliefs and actions. He always voted for candidates of the same political party his whole life, even if individually some candidates were the opposite of his parties line. The party is the Authority and no political research required. If it quacks like a duck, it's a duck. Ideology is Authority and is often applied where not applicable, since the individual relies on external sources such as in war, as keep your head down to stay safe misapplied if one is crossing a minefield. When those sources are wrong, the individual has misapplied the ideology and is wrong also. This reliance on external authority may prove the individual a pseudo-intellectual or Pseudo Cerebral.

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