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Conceptual in origin and existence means that these authorities do not necessarily relate to the conditions of present events or circumstances, nor to any phenomenon, entity or event that naturally would occur without any human interference such as the laws of nature.

These two primary authorities for human action are Intrinsic, in which the individual is induced to action by the circumstances of situation, and Extrinsic where action is induced by objectives that are conceptual in origin. Objectives are future expectations that derive from Intrinsic or Extrinsic Authority. Future expectations require and mandate behavior and conduct in present circumstance, which promotes or at least does not endanger states of future expectation. One may tend to defer to one's boss in order to preserve one's job. Models of expectation, are the way the present or the future is expected to be, which may vary with different individuals, cultures and societies. These models may be anything from the way one does their hair which represents how they should appear to themselves and others, the model and the style of one's automobile, to the type of neighborhood one lives in. Thus it is end-results and products of objectives that are the authority for human behavior when these ends are of greater consequence than free and non-conforming action oblivious or uncaring of future expectations. These models of expectation are Authoritative.

To what extent these expectations as authorities for one's activity and conduct dictate corresponding behavior, is relative to the type of expectations adopted. If the individual has no objectives or expectations for what the future should entail, then there is no necessity for any particular conduct in the present which promotes such expectations. However necessities of one kind or another must always be satisfied like hunger, health, warmth, shelter or bodily functions that demand activity in present to maintain and produce these results.

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