A thru E       F thru O       P thru Z


Agreements as standards of conformity for human qualities, conditions, activity and behavior, to which every member of the accord is subject, the purpose of which is to produce the least friction and accomplish goals, which can best benefit any number, as a minority or majority of members of the community, by Common Consent or Authoritative Accords.


Tandem w/ Corrupt Authoritarianism
Authoritarian forms of government instituted for the purposes of promoting and maintaining Authoritative Dictates or ideal forms of society. The concept of the beneficent dictator is occasionally successful but for the most part becomes corrupt. {Dissertaion: Authoritative}


Represents a political philosophy in which government is considered to be undesirable. This assumes that human kind is born as essentially good, wherein the negative aspects exhibited in terms of human relations, are derived as conditioned from self-serving or corrupt cultural, religious and government institutions, which if were absent would make government unnecessary. {Dissertation: Government}


Progressive Materialism Tandem w/ Concept of Enemies
Conceptual vehicle or expediency of Progressive Materialism, wherein negative attributes which are considered or said to be antagonistic to civil and religious ideals are applied to entities, conditions, persons or groups which then may be used as resource for the accomplishment of objectives. Antithetical Opposition justifies and authorizes the use of exploitation, coercion and violence, wherein the subject of this coercion is identified, described, defined and given context in terms of negative attributes such as primitive, infidel or Evil, that gives entitlement for destruction, transformation or exploitation. Antagonistic Opposition as a concept, is usually an unconscious mechanism that may be typified by the old saying that 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'. {Dissertations: Opposition, Antagonistic Opposition and Evil}


Authority as Government which is outside and beyond the control and influence of the greater community it regulates, and possessing no approved mandate, must maintain itself by methods of force, intimidation and remumeration. Authoritarian government takes two forms, as either Corrupt in which it serves only its own interests, or it imposes models for society as Authoritative Imperatives and Dictates, which are models for how society should be, such as religious government, in which the community is to conform to a model as specified by a religion. {Dissertation: Authoritative}


Authoritative Dictates
Authority to which human activity, behavior and conduct should conform and correspond. This authority is termed the Authoritative Imperative, which is usually ideals and standards considered as so superior that by this authority, they must be adherred to. In terms of politics, Authoritative means some model to which human society should correspond, as some kind of perfection like Hitler's perfect race was a model for German society. These models are generally qualities and conditions which are opposite to the natural world, but not always, as Pol Pot's ideal agrarian society. {Dissertation: Authoritative}


Accords which are enforced upon a community, by a group of persons of any number less than a majority, as only the number of individuals necessary to control disagreement by whatever means. Authoritative Accords are based upon what are termed Authorizations.


Authoritative Imperative
Ideals and models for human social conditions from which Accords and Social Contracts for societies are based, which represent superior attributes, to which by their superiority all individuals are subject to the contracts and are expected to conform and correspond. The premises for human conduct are based upon the concept of Authoritative, wherein human activity and behavior is expected and demanded to correspond to specific ideals considered superior, and the Authoritative Dictates derived therefrom.


Represents an umbrella term for the political structures which naturally result from the adoption of Excess and Profit, which leads inevitably to the perspective of Progressive Materialism. These forms of political society are anything from Monarchy and Dictatorship to Representative Democracy. The term Authoritative as used here means that the structure, constitution, composition and actions of government are authorized by Authoritative Imperatives which are 'superior' states, entities, individuals or groups. {Dissertations: Democratic Oligarchy and Historical Wars}


Defined as the institutionalization of progressed states, which by superiority, authorize Accords which may be imposed upon the community, by any number of individuals as minority or majority, acting in the interest of superior standards. Authorizations take three basic forms: Economic, Intellectual and Religious.


Originally defined as the use of capital to make money based on interest or the lending of money. Generally means the agency of profit as the fundamental economic means of the individual and society as a whole. Used here to mean the generality of all market based economic activity in which Excess & Profit is an essential component. Capitalism is Progressive meaning that the product of capital and its created conditions, like the Mercedes, is always more important than the states used as a means to create capital, like stripped and polluted landscape used to obtain resources.


While there is no doubt the world is better off for the institutions of Charity, it is also used as vehicle of Compassion of Progressive Materialist Morality. Since the object of Progressive Materialism is elite states, status, election and elevation, and since elite status is defined in opposition to those of lesser means, without the contrast of which elitism would have no meaning, Charity is a means of good feeling, while at the same time not having to share and share alike, and insuring that the system remains inequitable, while still feeling wonderful about one's advantages. {Dissertation: Charity}


Antithetical Opposition and Antagonistic Opposition
When objectives conflict with moral codes, Dyadic Moral Obligations, religious and civil law, a convenience and resolution to the moral quandary is the Concept of Enemies. Immoral and unlawful acts may be committed against enemies, wherein hidden agendas benefiting the perpetrator may be masked or unconscious. A fundamental pervasive and all inclusive trait of Progressive Materialism, wherein what is deemed to be of negative consequence may be exploited to produce positive consequence for the good. People are designated as enemies when what they possess becomes an objective of the vilifier.


Wherein the state or government owns everything except personal property. All human labor which demands a return as the economic means of living, serves to promote the interests of the society as a whole. All commodities as the means of living, are distributed by the central authority as the government in an equal capacity. Where Communism is a Materialist system, and there is no means for human substantiation of worth, except by means of identification with the system, the method of promoting communism must be by authoritarian regime. The inherent character of Communism is Conservative, since value is placed on the good of the whole and the integrity of the culture in general, rather than on elite ideals and personal progression. {Dissertation: Government}


Volitional Agreements
Social Contracts wherein the terms of the agreement are so comprised, that every party to the Accord can willingly agree to them.


Pseudo-conservative Tandem w/ Progressive
Conservative means that a pre-existent state or condition is of greater value and consequence than progressed states that may replace them. The term Conservative includes the concepts of Conservative Spirituality, Ethics and Natural Affection. The true concept of the term Conservative is superseded by the progressive nature of Materialism. The common usage of the term Conservative in a political sense, is of those who are Right Wing, individualist and Elitist, and who would prefer to preserve the status quo. Since this individual elitism can only be achieved by progressive accumulation and preservation of same, this in reality is what is called called Pseudo-conservative. {Dissertations: Conservative/Progressive Dicotomy, Conservative and True Conservative}


Tandem w/ Altruistic Authoritarianism
Authoritarian government which is instituted and maintained solely for corrupt purposes, as promoting the interests of the members of the government and cronies, at the expense of the constituency ruled. {Dissertation: Authoritative}


Government which is used by individuals or groups for their own purposes, specifically as the promotion of self-interested aggrandizement, power, wealth or fame.


Conservative Spirituality Tandem w Deep Ecology (Lexicon)
Ecology in terms of the ecological movement can be described in terms of Progressive Materialism, in which the consequence of the environment is not perceived in terms of Spirituality, but rather in terms of physical long term sustainability and its utilitarian viability as affects humankind. Ecological movements as distinct from Deep Ecology are fundamentally Progressive Humanist, which means that in the end, the consequence and value of humankind is greater and takes precedence over all aspects of nature except the general overall collapse of ecological systems. Deep Ecology puts nature first and proposes that humankind, as in the eastern tradition, must conform to the nature of the planetary environment rather than the other way around, with emphasis upon prohibitions as opposed to volitional abilities.


Wherein those subject to the decrees of Government are able to participate in some manner as to the content and affects of that which is decreed. There are essentially two forms of Democracy as Direct and Representative. Direct Democracy is wherein every member of the constituency governed, possesses a vote in all final forms of legislation. Representative Democracy is the selection in some manner of singular persons or political parties to make legislative decisions for the particular constituencies from which they were selected.{Dissertations: Government and Democracy}


Democratic form of government in which the economy is primarily Capitalist. Where the electoral process is a Capitalist mechanism, in which the requirement of private funding is necessary for the obtainment of elected office. Government has the propensity to be controlled by money in the interest of the few.


The simultaneous political operation of government by and for the many, and by and for the few. Oligarchy is usually comprised of families that possess large amounts of property, wealth, power and influence and that use these advantages secretly for the benefit of themselves as well as charitable causes. Democracy operates openly by election of representatives. Oligarchy operates secretly by utilization of operatives usually buried in government bureaucracy and by wielding influence in the control of access to privilege of which is the ultimate goal of Progressive Materialism. {Dissertations: Democratic Oligarchy and Charity}


Socialism Tandem w/ Fascist Socialism
The nature of government is Socialist. Socialism is often defined as the regulation of societal affairs to a large degree such as Communism, and thus is equated with Fascism. Democratic Socialism is wherein at least the policy making positions in the government, are subject to the approval of the community as a whole, by the processes of election. This is distinguished from Fascism which rules by decree. Democratic Socialism can also be defined as the election of candidates for government office funded by the government. {Dissertation: Government}


Democratic forms of government wherein the citizenry votes directly upon legislation. Usually only applies to very small communities, but to some degree ballot measures are sometimes used to create legislation.


Wherein Government is constituted based upon the economic premises such as Communism, or wherein government tends to promote and serves economic interests such as Capitalist Democracy, based upon the authority of economic considerations.

